Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Men Need To Pay Attention To Their Health To Increase Stamina, Strength And Longevity

Most men that come into my office are usually dealing with weight gain, high cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and fatigue. They just dont feel like they once did they dont have the stamina, strenght or energy that they long for. They are often not sleeping well and require something to help them. They are often stressed by work, family, financial responsabilities. Often not eating properly missing meals, eating on the run or late. These indicators all point to adrenal burnout. Job and financial stress as well increase family responsibilty takes a toll on a mans mind and body causing men to have health set backs as well as taking their health more seriously and begin to want to stay or get in shape and to start eating well and to find adequate outlets for their added stress.

Men will often not come in unless they have been told by their doctors that they need to reduce their cholesterol, weight, blood pressure or all of the above. Unlike women (for the most part) some men need to be scared before taking preventative action in reducing their risk factors. This is changing, however, as more and more baby boomer men are starting to heed early warning signs and start to make changes in their lifestyle earlier and earlier.

With all this focus on Menopause for women men, too, have a period of decline in hormone levels namelly testosterone - called Andropause. Unlike women, however, Andropause is a gradual drop in hormones versus the dramatic hormonal shift for women The symptoms for Andropause may include decreased energy and stamina, decrease muscle mass, less mental focus, anxiety and depression, increase fat mass, loss of libido and sexual function.

Weight Gain As belts become too tight, men realize that a proactive approach is needed. They often seek out a nutritionist, dietician and personal trainer

Balancing Blood Sugar The most healthy glucose levels should be between 80 to 100. Not eating frequently, eating too many sweets or Junk foods or overeating will often affect these levels and can lead to first Insulin Resistance and then Diabetes which is a very debiliting disease.

Prostate Health - Men are often wanting help with postate. Their physicians will often check PSA levels which indicates the health of their prostate. Men often complain of being woken up several times at night as the prostate is enlarged pressing on the bladder increasing need for frequent urination. To help with this condition, I often recommend supplements with saw palmetto and zinc in them.

Lack in Stamina - Most men will not admit to lack of stamina and/or lethargy. To help increase stamina rest, good diet and exercise is suggested.

Stress - In a recent Journal of American Medical Association(JAMA, November 2006) researchers Perls and Wilcox concluded that to increase healthy aging in men they must learn to manage their stress. Life will always present stress, however, how its managed is key. The study concluded that keeping one's weight down, getting regular exercise, and staying mentally and socially active are crucial for not only stress management but also healthy aging.

1.SOURCES: Willcox, B. The Journal of the American Medical Association, Nov. 15, 2006; vol 296: pp 2343-2350. Garfield, C. The Journal of the American Medical Association, Nov. 15, 2006; vol 296: pp 2365-2368. Lewis, B. The Journal of the American Medical Association, Nov. 15, 2006; vol 296: pp 2369-2371. Perls, T. American Journal of Nutrition, vol 83 (suppl): pp 484-S-487S. Bradley J. Willcox, MD, clinical assistant professor of geriatrics, University of Hawaii; clinician/investigator, Pacific Health Research Institute, Honolulu. Thomas T. Perls MD, MPH, associate professor of medicine and geriatrics, Boston University; founder and director, New England Centenarian Study.

Diet: Many men have poor eating habits. I have found that a good solid diet is essential to either improve and/or maintain long term health. A Good Balanced Diet should include the following Food Groups:
- Quality proteins meat, fish, eggs, chicken, turkey
- Healthy fats olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocados, nuts and seeds
- Non-starchy vegetables broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, etc
- Fruit all
- Starches these foods should be limited, they include the following:

- starchy vegetables like corn, potato, squash, etc

- beans garbanzo, kidney, black beans, etc

- complex whole grains rye, quinoa, brown rice, etc

Exercise: Men may not be able to do what they once did, however, instead of running a marathon perhaps you would like to join a local community basketball or baseball team. This will not only improve their strength and agility both mental and physical it will also help to reduce stress and even create a sense of bonding with other men.. More and more supportive mens groups are cropping up everywhere helping men better adapt to not only changes in their environment but alsochanges in their abilities as they age giving them a greater sense of meaning in their lives.

Men need to know that health is not merely the absence of disease; it's a lifestyle. Whether it's getting enough sleep, relaxing after a stressful day, or enjoying a hobby, it's important to take time for themselves and to be good to be good to themselves. One of the most important recommendation I give to my male clients is that they take steps to balance work, home, and play. Paying attention to ones health, and making healthy living a priority is vital.

Supplements for Mens Health:
Stamina Whey and Soy Protein Powders, Ashwaganda, L-carnitine
Joints Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondroitin Sulfate, Magnesium, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Tumeric, MSM
Digestive Problems Digestive Enzymes, Aloe, Glutamine, Probiotics, Fiber
Heart Disease CoQ 10, Vitamin E, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Folate
Erectile Dysfunction Arginine, Folate, Tribulus
Prostate Health Saw Palmetto, Zinc, Lycopene, Pumpkin Seed
High Cholesterol Omega 3 Fish Oil, Polycosinol
High Blood Pressure - Garlic, Taurine, Magnesium
Sleep Valerian Root, 5 HTP, Magnesium,
General Heart Health CoQ10, Vitamin E, Omega 3 Fish Oil
Stress (Adrenal Burnout) B vitamins, Licorice, Ashwaganda, Siberian Ginseng
Mental fatigue Ginkgo, PhophatidylSerine, Acetyl L-Carnitine,
Diabetes or Insulin resistance Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chromium, Cinnamon, Fenugreek, Fiber
Anxiety and Depression Inositol, 5 HTP, St Johns Wort, Rhodiola

Tests for Men:
Diabetes Glucose, Hemoglobin A1C, Fasting Insulin
Heart Health Cholesterol, HDL and LDL, CRP, Homocsysteine
Hormones Cortisol, DHEA, hgH, Testosterone, Estrogen
Prostate PSA Prostate Specific Antigens
Thyroid TSH, T3, T4

Specific Nutrition Practice Assessments
Body Fat Analysis
Supplement review
Health Appraisal Questionairres
Salivary adrenal (stress hormone) tests

Learn more visit my website
Monika Klein, BS, CN.

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